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Ras Al Khaimah
Ras Al Khaimah
+971 54321 2535 Sun -Thu 08:00 - 18:00 Compass Bd., Al Shohada Rd., Al Hamra Zone. Ras Al Khaimah. EAU.
+34 914 184 531 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 Plaza Carlos Trías Bertrán, n.º 4. CP 28020. Madrid. España.
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With extensive experience in the Oil & Gas sector and the Petrochemical industry, at ALAUSAT we offer a broad range of specialized services, from facility design and engineering to process optimization and comprehensive project management. We focus on ensuring safety, maximizing operational efficiency, and effectively addressing our clients’ project needs.

Natural Gas
– Sweetening and Dehydration: We implement advanced solutions for the design of natural gas treatment systems, removing contaminants (CO2, H2S) and water to meet market specifications and ensure safe transportation.
– Natural Gas Liquids (NGL): We design facilities for the recovery and processing of NGL, maximizing the value of natural gas components.
– Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): We offer comprehensive solutions in the design of LNG liquefaction and regasification facilities, enabling the storage and long-distance transportation of natural gas.

– Onshore and Offshore Facilities: We develop complete projects for oil production facilities, primarily onshore and to a lesser extent on offshore platforms, ensuring maximum efficiency and safety.
– Desalting and Dehydration: We integrate technologies for crude oil treatment, removing water and salts that can corrode equipment and affect the refining process.
– Upgrading and Refining: We design and optimize refining processes to improve crude quality and produce higher-value products, such as gasoline, diesel, and petrochemical products.
– Storage and Transportation: We design safe and efficient systems for the storage and transportation of crude and refined products, including tanks, pipelines, and terminals.

– Hydrogen: We develop projects for the production of grey and blue hydrogen, an essential component in numerous petrochemical and refining processes.
– Ammonia and Methanol: We offer engineering solutions for the design of grey and blue ammonia and methanol production facilities, used as raw materials in the manufacturing of fertilizers, plastics, and other chemicals.
– Polymers: We design processes with the integration of advanced technologies for polymer production, contributing to the diversification and growth of the petrochemical sector.