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Ras Al Khaimah
Ras Al Khaimah
+971 54321 2535 Sun -Thu 08:00 - 18:00 Compass Bd., Al Shohada Rd., Al Hamra Zone. Ras Al Khaimah. EAU.
+34 914 184 531 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 Plaza Carlos Trías Bertrán, n.º 4. CP 28020. Madrid. España.
Static Equipment
Storage Specialists
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The ALAUSAT team has extensive experience dedicated to the engineering and design of pipeline projects in the Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Power Generation, and Petrochemicals sectors, among others.

Pipeline Engineering is essential in EPC’s since an adequate design entails the generation of an efficient process for the safe transportation of gases and fluids within the processing plants by taking full advantage of the area of the site, the installation, and the construction in order to optimize accessibility, reduce maintenance, and increase pipe performance.

We dispose of the most advanced calculation and design technologies and we offer the following services, among others:

* Basic and Detail Engineering (Flows, velocities, pressure drops, materials, drawings, thermal losses, thickness calculations, As-Built).
* General layout design of equipment onsite
* Piping system design (2D & 3D): PDS, PDMS, SP3D, AutoCAD, AutoPlant, CADworx.
* Piping Flexibility Analysis & Advanced Flexibility Analysis (FEA): CAESAR II, PipeStress, ANSYS, ABAQUS.
* Pipe Support Design: AutoPipe, MDS, among others.
* Isometrics and Construction Material Lists.