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Ras Al Khaimah
Ras Al Khaimah
+971 54321 2535 Sun -Thu 08:00 - 18:00 Compass Bd., Al Shohada Rd., Al Hamra Zone. Ras Al Khaimah. EAU.
+34 914 184 531 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 Plaza Carlos Trías Bertrán, n.º 4. CP 28020. Madrid. España.
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Construction and Mantainance

Construction and Mantainance

ALAUSAT offers integral solutions and achieves the results that projects require. ALAUSAT’s experienced team has safely and successfully designed construction projects in different parts of the world, including complex projects in challenging locations.

Leaning on our experience, we achieve consistent and predictable results across the entire scale of the project delivery, from independent construction to subcontractor management, and hiring of direct contracted staff to fully deliver turnkey construction projects.

Our capabilities allow us to be a reliable construction services provider for marine structures, refineries, petrochemicals, and gas plants, among others. We manage large and small projects providing all services, from pre-project planning and design, engineering and procurement, to administrative support and project accounting. How we modularize and offer equipment manufacturing services with our partners offers effective and economic solutions for Oil & Gas projects.

ALAUSAT is committed to finding, engaging, and empowering employees with the right skills and experience to carry out commissioned projects.

Each client enjoys a dedicated team focused on providing safe, flexible, and scalable solutions according to their needs.