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Ras Al Khaimah
Ras Al Khaimah
+971 54321 2535 Sun -Thu 08:00 - 18:00 Compass Bd., Al Shohada Rd., Al Hamra Zone. Ras Al Khaimah. EAU.
+34 914 184 531 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 Plaza Carlos Trías Bertrán, n.º 4. CP 28020. Madrid. España.
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Specialized Calculations

Specialized Calculations

ALAUSAT provides design, analysis, and testing services for equipment and process systems in a variety of industries including refining, petrochemical, energy, and base metal products.

Using advanced computational tools such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), and custom written fluid system simulations, ALAUSAT helps its customers improve both their equipment and processes to avoid delays and costs caused by traditional systems. This predictive analytics technology is complemented by our expertise in developing customized tests that are used to diagnose problems, provide design data, and validate final designs.

Typical applications offered by ALAUSAT include design and/or design improvement, and the testing of pumps, fans, compressors and turbines, and the improvement of manufacturing equipment. Design of fluid systems and devices. Design to reduce vibration and flow-induced noise. Heat exchangers, boilers, torches, combustion chamber design, among others.